MULti-engine programs

fox3 recognizes that each customer has unique training needs and we are able to modify / change programs specific for each end use.


foX3: Multi-Engine Jet & Prop Programs starts with 80 hours on the Cirrus SR22 where students will obtain a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) private pilot license with instrument rating.  Upon completion of the SR22 flying, students will fly 80 hours on the Sabreliner (Jet) or Cessna 320 (Prop).


SUbject areas:


Contact Maneuvers which include multi-engine training, multi-crew resource management (CRM).

Instrument Procedures

Low Level Navigation

Basic and Tactical Formation


SUbject areas:

Tactical inserts and arrivals

Air drop and tactical transport

Search and Rescue Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs)
